By moving the cursor over the ‘Prayer Icon’ adjacent to the name of the person/s you want to pray for, and then by clicking on it, a prayer for that person/s will be displayed for you to share with God. You do not have to use it. If you want to add a more appropriate or favourite prayer for the person you are praying for, or substitute a more relevant prayer to recognise a notable event in that person’s life, then God will hear you.
Without WiFi or Bluetooth
using our monthly guide list
Click on the Prayer Icon adjacent to the person's name/s

Day 1.
Bruce & Lisa Allinson
Helen & Colin Higgin-Botham
Bruce & Lisa Allinson
Helen & Colin Higgin-Botham

Day 2.
Janet Hopewell, husband Frank & family
Janet Hopewell, husband Frank & family

Day 3.
Derek Boxall
Derek Boxall

Day 4.
Margaret Darlow
Margaret Darlow

Day 5.
Beryl English & Sheila Gibbins
Beryl English & Sheila Gibbins

Day 6.
Michael & Susan Gowler
Michael & Susan Gowler

Day 7.
Meyrick & Rita Griffins
Meyrick & Rita Griffins

Day 8.
Pam Hailey
Pam Hailey

Day 9.
Molly Hanwell
Molly Hanwell

Day 10.
Pat & Dave Harris
Pat & Dave Harris

Day 11.
Jean Johnston & June Keeling
Jean Johnston & June Keeling

Day 12.
Rita Laker
Rita Laker

Day 13.
Kenneth & Rosemary Lynch
Kenneth & Rosemary Lynch

Day 14.
Irene Marsh
Irene Marsh

Day 15.
Margaret & Rob Minty
Margaret & Rob Minty

Day 16.
Gloria Mowatt
Gloria Mowatt

Day 17.
Rosemary Perkins
Rosemary Perkins

Day 18.
Lotte Pomroy
Lotte Pomroy

Day 19.
Daisy & Joe Robinson
Daisy & Joe Robinson

Day 20.
Alice Scates
Alice Scates

Day 21.
Shirley Seaborne
Shirley Seaborne

Day 22.
Bernie & Mandy Taylor
Bernie & Mandy Taylor

Day 23.
Penny Thomas
Penny Thomas

Day 24.
Wally Vanner
Wally Vanner

Day 25.
Eve Warren
Eve Warren

Day 26.
Gillian Whitten
Gillian Whitten

Day 27.
Our Pagham Church
Our Pagham Church

Day 28.
The Pagham Church Hall Users
The Pagham Church Hall Users

Day 29.
Teapot Cafe Users
Teapot Cafe Users

Day 30.
Our friends at Christ Church
Our friends at Christ Church

Day 31.
URC Southern Synod
URC Southern Synod