Serving Elders
Non Serving Elders
Wally Vanner
Molly Hanwell Margaret Minty
Prayers of Preparation
Our former Minister, the Reverend Bruce Allinson, very kindly donated a booklet entitled ‘Prayers of Preparation, compiled and produced by Nick Fawcett, for use by the Elders when they are on Vestry Duty. It contains Vestry prayers for every Sunday of Common Worship during the year. It replaced the previous ‘Prayers Before Worship’ booklet compiled by Hazel Snashall which was given a well-earned rest after many years of use by our Elders past & present. Hazel’s excellent and well used booklet remains in the Vestry for those Elders who want to use a favourite prayer from it, on a particular Sunday, that may not be in the new publication.