Owing to the agreed scoping arrangements with Christ Church (Methodist & United Reformed Church) and Pagham United Reformed Church our Minister, the Reverend Helen Higgin-Botham, is only able to lead our Church Services at Pagham on one Sunday each month. Other preachers as arranged by Irene Marsh, our Pulpit Supply Officer, will lead the services on the remaining Sundays.
Morning communion is normally celebrated on the 4th Sunday of the month
The Minister will normally chair the Church and Elders' Meetings at our Church. However, these meetings can be chaired by the Church Secretary, or Elders who have experience of this and one of them will stand in for the Minister, when she is unable to attend.
General Pastoral Duties include visitation of the sick, housebound and bereaved, counselling parents concerning baptisms and couples wishing to marry and reaching out to groups from the local community who use our halls and premises. Our Church tries to maintain a full complement of serving elders to assist with the pastoral work.
The pastorate is enthusiastic in its membership of Churches Together in Bognor Regis and District (CTBRD) and over the years some of our members, who moved to this Church when their Church at Linden Road closed, have held office in CTBRD.
† Church growth, evangelism
† Pastoral Care and social activities
† Preaching, teaching and spiritual growth
† Encouraging youth/children's work
† Enhancing local ecumenical relations
† Action for social Justice
† Stewardship of time, talents and money
Many members are engaged in voluntary work outside the Church in serving the community. In our wider mission our Church supports Christian Aid and the Bible Society and individual members have been involved in the campaign to reduce third world debt.
Owing to the agreed scoping arrangements with Christ Church (Methodist & United Reformed Church) and Pagham United Reformed Church our Minister, the Reverend Helen Higgin-Botham, is only able to lead our Church Services at Pagham on one Sunday each month. Other preachers as arranged by Irene Marsh, our Pulpit Supply Officer, will lead the services on the remaining Sundays.
Morning communion is normally celebrated on the 4th Sunday of the month
The Minister will normally chair the Church and Elders' Meetings at our Church. However, these meetings can be chaired by the Church Secretary, or Elders who have experience of this and one of them will stand in for the Minister, when she is unable to attend.
General Pastoral Duties include visitation of the sick, housebound and bereaved, counselling parents concerning baptisms and couples wishing to marry and reaching out to groups from the local community who use our halls and premises. Our Church tries to maintain a full complement of serving elders to assist with the pastoral work.
The pastorate is enthusiastic in its membership of Churches Together in Bognor Regis and District (CTBRD) and over the years some of our members, who moved to this Church when their Church at Linden Road closed, have held office in CTBRD.
† Church growth, evangelism
† Pastoral Care and social activities
† Preaching, teaching and spiritual growth
† Encouraging youth/children's work
† Enhancing local ecumenical relations
† Action for social Justice
† Stewardship of time, talents and money
Many members are engaged in voluntary work outside the Church in serving the community. In our wider mission our Church supports Christian Aid and the Bible Society and individual members have been involved in the campaign to reduce third world debt.