Church Events 2024 September Sunday 1st 3.00pm Open House at The Manse Tuesday 3rd 10.00am Tea Pot Cafe Sunday 8th 10.30am Praise in the Park – Priory Park Chichester Sunday 29th 10.45am Harvest Festival and Harvest Lunch
October Tuesday 1st 10.00am Tea Pot Cafe Sunday 6th 3.00pm Open House at the Manse Saturday 12th 6 for 6.30pm Quiz Night £10 to include a ploughman's supper Soft drinks supplied but you may bring your own alcohol There will be a raffle Please call Bernie Taylor for tickets Friday 18th 1.00pm Fish and Chips Saturday 19th 10.00am Bible Society Coffee Morning
November Sunday 3rd 3.00pm Open House at the Manse Tuesday 5th 10.00am Tea Pot Cafe Friday 15th 1.00pm Fish and Chips Saturday 16th 10.00am Coffee Morning Sunday 24th 6.00pm Reflective Service at Christ Church
December Sunday 1st 3.00pm Open House at the Manse Tuesday 3rd 10.00am Tea Pot Cafe Saturday 14th 4.00pm Carols by Candlelight Wednesday 25th 10.00am Christmas Day Service at Christ Church
Church meetings will take place after Church on – Sundays January 28th, April 28th - AGM, July 28th and November 24th
Elders meetings will take place at 10.00am at Church on – January 15th, March 18th, May 20th, July 15th, September 30th and November 18th