God to be with us soon, we are your people.
You will call us to live in peace with our neighbours.
Help us to build a place of peace worthy of your coming. Emmanuel! ‘God with us’ Amen.
As the Christian year ends for us in Matthew, we recall that we have heard that Jesus turns the whole world upside down, the first become the last and the last are at the front of the queue, those striving to find out what life is about discover their search actually means that that they lose life instead, surprisingly those in power see those who live their lives in humble service being blessed with god’s blessing and promoted to glory in so many ways. From Jesus’ teachings we have learnt over the year from our Matthew readings that we are challenged to love our neighbours, and not just the neighbours who are just like us; but neighbours who are in great need, those who get forgotten, the bottom of the pile, and we do not care because we should, but because we want to. As God reaches out to us with his grace so we too should reach out with our love to those in need.
We start our year with Advent, four weeks of preparation, Mark will ask us to stay awake and prepare, stay with the season anticipate ‘Emmanuel ‘get involved with the weeks readings be alert, here is coming something so new, so different, the thinking and understanding that ‘God is with us’ we will be shaken up by the roughness and earthiness of John the Baptist and shocked by the simple ‘yes’ of the young maiden Mary. Christmas will fall on us as Joy from Heaven, Carols sung and our lives lost for a little while; in the baby’s cry, the acclamation of Kings and the escape into refuge. We will give thanks for that refuge that saved the life of our dear Lord. As we wish upon our Christmas stars we will recall that even today young families seek refuge from death and perhaps that’s where we should be focussing on, ways in which we can help these refugees and in so doing helping our Lord. Read Matthew 25.31-46 you will see what I mean.
Our Christmas concert is Saturday 9th at 2.30pm – £6
Also come celebrate with us on the evening of Friday 15th 7.00pm - Carols by Candlelight. Bring some Drinks, maybe some snacks, definitely some mince pies or cake an evening of singing Carols, feasting and fun, welcome to Christmas. A brilliant night!
We start our year with Advent, four weeks of preparation, Mark will ask us to stay awake and prepare, stay with the season anticipate ‘Emmanuel ‘get involved with the weeks readings be alert, here is coming something so new, so different, the thinking and understanding that ‘God is with us’ we will be shaken up by the roughness and earthiness of John the Baptist and shocked by the simple ‘yes’ of the young maiden Mary. Christmas will fall on us as Joy from Heaven, Carols sung and our lives lost for a little while; in the baby’s cry, the acclamation of Kings and the escape into refuge. We will give thanks for that refuge that saved the life of our dear Lord. As we wish upon our Christmas stars we will recall that even today young families seek refuge from death and perhaps that’s where we should be focussing on, ways in which we can help these refugees and in so doing helping our Lord. Read Matthew 25.31-46 you will see what I mean.
Our Christmas concert is Saturday 9th at 2.30pm – £6
Also come celebrate with us on the evening of Friday 15th 7.00pm - Carols by Candlelight. Bring some Drinks, maybe some snacks, definitely some mince pies or cake an evening of singing Carols, feasting and fun, welcome to Christmas. A brilliant night!
‘God with us’, you give us so much. Thank you.
We celebrate your goodness and generosity.
In Your Grace we are truly blessed. Amen
Happy Christmas and a Glorious New Year!
Bruce and Lisa Allinson XXX
We celebrate your goodness and generosity.
In Your Grace we are truly blessed. Amen
Happy Christmas and a Glorious New Year!
Bruce and Lisa Allinson XXX